Theme Night #28 WILL go ahead...

Dear Reader –

A Monday letter instead of the regular Tuesday edition this week, because there is good news this morning.

*All hyperlinks in bold.

The Big Thing

And that is…that we have found a way to make next week’s shows work. Here’s how…

An extra show has been added on Wednesday 15th December to make sure that there is a seat for everyone who has already bought a ticket. Some ticket-holders may be asked to consider moving their tickets to another night and we would appreciate your understanding on this.

Ticket-holders will be contacted by the Hawk's Well Theatre either today or tomorrow in order to detail what happens next.


Where else but Sligo?

These shows wouldn’t be happening without the great people at our local theatre, the beloved Hawk's Well. I’d like to thank them here for their flexibility and support on this matter, and their determination to do what it takes to make sure that these shows take place as planned. We are so lucky to have such a well-run and welcoming venue in Sligo.

Their box office team (pictured above) will be under pressure this week, as will box office teams all around the country. They deserve our patience and support in dealing with this difficult set of circumstances.

Once all existing ticket-holders have been catered for, if any tickets are left I will let you know later in the week.

Most importantly however, the safety of all audience members, artists and theatre staff is paramount.

I can’t wait to see you all at the shows. Despite everything, this December our stages will stay lit, live music will be heard, and we are going to do everything in our power to make sure that Theme Night #28 is one you will always remember.


What’s New?

  1. With all that has been going on regarding restrictions and next week’s shows, I have almost forgotten about the release of our new album last week!

  2. Details on how to get your hands on it/listen to it are at the start of last week’s letter. The best way is to contact me directly or click here.

  3. It is also currently on sale in The Record Room and Eddie Lee’s pop-up photography shop in Johnston’s Court. If any other local business owner has the facility and would like to take a few albums I’d love to hear from you.


Another track from the album below. From Theme Night #23 - here’s Chris Baillie with Jesse James. Chris has since moved back to New Zealand and couldn’t possibly make an appearance at next week’s shows…could he??


Till next time - Kieran.