Johnny Saucepan - anyone for grub??

Dear Reader –

For anyone looking to make great things in their home town, you need look no further than this man for inspiration. More chef stories below, but first, some news…


The Big Thing

Adult piano classes and the second session of last term’s popular music club will start very soon. I’m looking for expressions of interest for both classes now - please reply to this email if you would like to hear more about either.

And…thanks for your response to last week’s letter - all after-school teaching slots bar ONE are now gone. Early Wednesday afternoon suit anyone?

Where else but Sligo?

I was in The Venue one evening recently with some friends. We were trying to figure out what to eat and Susie behind the bar told us that when it came to the lamb curry, she couldn’t recommend it highly enough. Her exact words.

So the three of us ordered it.

When you use words like Susie did to describe something, you put your neck on the line. She didn’t say ‘you should try it’, or ‘I enjoyed it for my lunch earlier’. She said ‘I couldn’t recommend this highly enough’. Which means if we don’t like it, we won’t trust her word again. Thankfully we did, and we will. A special mention to chef Ash too.

One more thought - wouldn’t it be great to hear someone use those words about something you made?

What’s New?

  1. YOUR RESOLUTIONS: How are they going? I found this interesting framework on goal-setting recently.

  2. GET BACK: I couldn’t recommend this highly enough. The best 15 minutes of analysis I have heard on Peter Jackson’s epic Beatles documentary is here.

  3. ZEN AND THE ART OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE: I was reminded of this book recently when a friend told me of his upcoming holiday to Montana and the Dakotas. I read it twenty years ago and loved it. Anyone else read it? Let me know if so.


Continuing this week’s foodie theme, I was reminded of this ridiculously fast food song. Local band Me and The Lads (Sinéad Dave and Luke) do a great version. See can you make sense of it…!


Till next time - Kieran.