Things that make me excited...

Dear Reader –

Preparations are beginning for Theme Night #29. Tonto and Steve are excited, and so am I!

But we need your help…

All hyperlinks in bold.


The Big Thing

As advertised in last week’s letter, Theme Night #29 will take place in the Hawk’s Well in the first week of May. Before we can announce the dates however, I need a theme, and I’m stuck! Maybe I’m overthinking it (a friend joked recently that we could do the Teletubbies Greatest Hits and people would come) but all joking aside, it’s important to get it right, for the audience and musicians alike.

So - I’m looking for help, specifically with the following questions. Just hit reply at the bottom of this email.

  1. What was your favourite theme in the past and why?

  2. Send me three words that describe a great Theme Night.

  3. What should the theme be for May’s show?

You’ll find the list of themes we have done so far at the bottom of this page. I wouldn’t rule out repeating one, especially one of the early ones. Thanks!

Where else but Sligo?

I’m entering the world of Sligo GAA underage club management. The Coolera-Strandhill U-12 girls to be specific. And I’m excited, so much so that I wrote about it last week - have a read here.

What’s New?

  1. THEME NIGHTS: THE VIEW FROM AUSTRALIA: Thanks Matthew for taking the time to write this - and yes, it is an Irish jig!

  2. UP SLIGO! This table is blatantly and openly misleading, but it’s still better to be at the top than the bottom.

  3. TEENAGE THEME NIGHT #25: This will take place in The Model on March 4th and 5th. The theme is Questions (any song whose title is a question), and I’m currently looking for anyone in 4th, 5th or 6th Yr who would like to take part. Check out the Teenage Theme Nights on Instagram and reply to this email ( if you or someone you know might be interested.



More Steely Dan this week - I know if the smiling gentlemen in the picture at the top of this letter had their way, this theme would be done very soon! Maybe you agree? Or maybe not - let me know!


Till next time - Kieran.