Amazing or warped?!

Dear Reader –

Firstly, a final thought for 2023 - it’s somewhat fatalistic, but also nicely reassuring.
It’s in the chorus of this Theo Katzman song - thanks Eoin/Aileen and the Theme Night Choir…


The Big Thing

It was lovely to hear the pianos of the various houses we visited over Christmas being played by children of all ages (and even the odd adult). From Twinkle Twinkle to Blinding Lights and The Bare Necessities, plus the usual smattering of Christmas songs, the sound of music really adds so much to a home.

So - if you are full of fresh resolve this January to bring more music into your life, have a look at the various learning options we offer - we are currently enrolling for piano lessons (in-person and online) and our Music Club.

Where else but Sligo?

One of our Christmas traditions is the Coolera Car Treasure Hunt.

Jim Doyle (below, left) has an amazing (or warped, depending on whether you get his clues or not!) mind, and this year set a 52-clue cryptic hunt around our parish in order to raise money for the Sligo branch of the Irish Kidney Association (and to test the strength of various marital and family bonds).

You pick up the clues on St. Stephen’s Day and have until New Years Eve to figure it all out, driving at a snail’s pace around the peninsula with various combinations of family in the car, staring hawk-like out the window for something that might vaguely resemble an answer. And then when you get one trying frantically to make it look like you haven’t in case a competitor spots you…

We had my brother’s 6 and 5 year-old children with us for one stint last week, and one particular interaction summed the whole thing up.

Children: What are we looking for?
Adults: We’re not quite sure. We’ll know it when we see it.
Children: So how do we know what to look for?
Just keep looking…
But we can’t look when we don’t know what we’re looking for…
F***ing Jim Doyle!!!

We managed to smile for this picture at least, although Sorcha’s is through gritted teeth!


What’s New?

  1. BALLYSHANNON GIGS FOR YOUR DIARY: The Kings of Cool play the Abbey Arts Centre on Jan 20th, and then we return there with Theme Night #33 on Feb 23.

  2. A THOUGHT FOR 2024: Inspired by a trip back to my old school

  3. CATHY JORDAN!!! With Feargal Murray - on this beautiful Brendan Graham song.



There was even an obscure reference to this band on the treasure hunt.
Happy New Year everyone!


Till next time - Kieran.