The measure of my dreams...

Dear Reader –

There is only one big thing in the world of Irish music this week…

The Big Thing

Ciaran Murphy from the Second Captains podcast suggested once that we should each have to choose three famous people whose death we are allowed to mourn on social media. Anyone else - say what you like about them privately, but leave the public statements to those who really knew/loved them.

I was reminded of this over the last few days in the aftermath of the death of Shane McGowan. He’s not in my three (I have Paul McGrath and two TBC) so I’m going to leave the tributes to the likes of Steve Wickham (see below).

However I will always remember two moments from the last few days which illustrated the effect he had.
Firstly - Friday afternoon when I arrived slightly late and flustered into the Liberty Hall theatre in Dublin ready to hit the ground running and prepare for that evening’s gig. My mood flipped instantly as I realised that the production crew had all taken a breather to sit in silence and watch the livestream of Shane’s funeral on a phone.

And yesterday in Micky Downs’ kitchen when he asked us to take 5 minutes to watch the rendition of Fairytale of New York from the same funeral (see below also).
A gang of normally boisterous men sat quietly in awe and respect.


Where else but Sligo?

To borrow a phrase from the world of sport - ‘play the kids’!

That’s exactly what we did in the beautifully festive Drumcliffe Church last Thursday evening. This writer plus Sam, Cara, Leah and Zach - none of whom have yet reached the age of 20.

And this group of young musicians not only held the attention of the 200+ people who packed the church, but entertained them, connected with them and even moved some to tears. One of my favourite gigs of the year.

And so if I may conclude by drawing your attention to another phrase - the one used in the title of this letter and described in the Irish Independent in 2018 as “the most beautiful [line] in modern music”.

My dream was always to play music with great musicians to an audience that listens. If I was to measure - it would be to count how many of these happen each year. I don’t - maybe I should - but if I did last Thursday would definitely be on the list.


What’s New?

  1. VICAR ST. tickets are on sale NOW. Here.

  2. MICHAEL CARRUTH: He was a guest on the gig last Friday, and received a standing ovation without saying a word. The power of nostalgia.

  3. RORY MAITLAND: Got out from behind the camera to deliver this beautiful vocal…



No words needed…I was interested in the thoughts of the priest however…


Till next time - Kieran.