Humans of the Theme Nights...

Dear Reader –

Anyone for the bus to Dublin?!

The Big Thing

There has been loads of chat about the Vicar St gig in the last week or so which is great to hear. And one question I have been asked plenty is if there will there be a bus from Sligo?

So - any interest? The bus would probably leave Sligo around 3pm and return straight after the gig.
Please reply to this email or get in touch ASAP if you or a gang would be interested. If enough of you are we will certainly put one on! Thanks…

Where else but Sligo?

Please keep an eye out over the next few weeks on my social media pages for our Humans of the Theme Nights series. The stories of some of the faces you see on stage, how they first got involved in the shows and what they get up to outside of the Theme Nights.

We’ll start this week with one of your favourites but will feature many more over the coming weeks.
Is there anyone whose story you’d like to hear?


What’s New?

  1. TTN OPEN MIC: The first ever Teenage Theme Night Open Mic takes place this evening in the foyer of the Hawk’s Well Theatre. We hope to introduce a series of these events into next year’s TTN calendar. Hosted by James McManus and Sean Callaghan (AKA Bacon and Cabbage) - all are welcome to come along and join the fun. A small number of (extremely reasonably priced) tickets left here!

  2. BEGINNINGS: A huge thank you to everyone who has sent in ideas for our Vicar St theme. I have been blown away by the number of you who got in touch with your thoughts. Last chance to do so today - just have a look at this doc first…

  3. WAKE: THISISPOPBABY are a theatre and events production company whose latest show I had the pleasure of seeing in the National Stadium last Saturday. It was incredible and fantastic to see MOXIE’s Darren Roche in the thick of it all. Below pic courtesy of their Instagram page.



The WAKE crew adapted this Leon Redbone song (also recorded by Peggy Lee) and it was one of the comedic highlights of the show…


Till next time - Kieran.