Is there any greater insult?

Dear Reader –

A lot of you asking about this term’s Music Club recently - I promise news on it in next week’s letter…

The Big Thing

But first to last Thursday night in Dublin - my first time to play in The Olympia! Some highlights below.

  • Tonto’s first gig back with us in five months - congrats on your return Ken!

  • Eddie almost getting hit with a bottle of water thrown in mock anger by Paul Kimmage.

  • More Piano Man with George Hamilton.

  • Loads of great nostalgia BBC sporting theme tunes.

  • And a special shoutout to Luke - who was off loading the gear while we enjoyed a post-gig pint.

Thanks to Second Captains for having us - happy 10th birthday lads - and congrats on an amazing body of work over the last decade.


Where else but Sligo?


The town of Rory Gallagher, the steep hill, and a swimming pool we trained in as children because it was bigger than anything in Sligo.

Yes folks - for once I am actually answering the question posed in the title of this section.

If you don’t have tickets for our upcoming Sligo run of Theme Night #32, you may ask where else can you see the show - and this time we have an solution for you - Sat 21 Oct in The Abbey Arts Centre, Ballyshannon.

More details in the coming weeks, but for now I am on the hunt for musicians and performers in the South Donegal area who would be interested in joining us on stage that evening. Please get in touch if you or someone you know fits this bill…


What’s New?

  1. HEARTBREAK STORIES: Thanks so much for all the entries so far…I just need ONE more!
    Use this online form if you wish to guarantee anonymity, or just reply to this email. Read the Where Else But Sligo section in this letter if you need a reminder of what I’m asking for.

  2. “WE’LL TRY IT WITH 10” - shoutout to the unfortunate soccer player I heard about this morning who was substituted in a game recently. When he said ‘but we only have 11’ , his manager replied ‘We’ll try it with 10’…

  3. TERM IS UP AND RUNNING! So good to see students and teachers alike back in Strandhill and Rathcormac yesterday. Here’s to a great term and lots of learning in the weeks ahead.


Has to be my favourite sporting theme tune - have a listen and you’ll recognise it…


Till next time - Kieran.